Increase your Grass earnings with multiple networks

One of the most asked questions overall, when talking about Grass is, how to increase overall earnings.
We know, on the one hand there are refs. You get bonusses from active refs, but you have no impact on their activity and have to hope, that they are
active and sty active.
But you can control your own activity. In order to go further you can add more and more devices on different networks.

So let’s start from the scratch.
One of the most heard questions i hear over in Discord chat is, hey, can i add more device onto one account in same network ?
Yes, you can, but they have no impact on boosting your earnings, thus the fact, that every network is capped by max 2400 Points within one day.
Having more than one device within one network would just split your earnings to these devices and you won’t earn more on a daily basis.

How do we get more than one network in order to increase our earnings ?
The first an easiest way, which can be done by almost anybody is to add at least a second device. Most of us has at least an Desktop or Laptop and additionally there is an mobile phone available. So use your desktop/laptop on your residential line with your router. Do not use your Smartphone within same network, just use it on mobile data plan.

Currently Android phones with Mises and Kiwi Browser are supported, you can set up one of these browsers on above Android 7. Now having 2 networks on our account, we need to add as much more devices on different networks as possible on our account. How can we achieve that ? You could use the network at your relatives home and add devices over there, like an old Android device seen above, it does not need anything else than access to the network via Wlan. Old Android devices are available for a small buck, probably you have some ununsed old devices already. Just set them up with Mises or Kiwi browser, than place them in any other network.
Basically, the important part is, the devices need to be on different public IP’s in order to sum up the rewards and increase your earnings.

Now go for the hunt, increase your earnings, and if you are ready and you are performing well, show us your effort on the: Wall of Flex
The best performers on the Wall of Flex are eligible for joining the First Farming Division of Grass Army, an elite squad of top tier farmers around Grass Community on X.
First Farming Division:

Happy Farming, if you have any questions or issues, feel free to contact me, i am around in official Discord server.

Sergeant Lazo, over and out ..

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